Little shyla is going away to college! Actually, she's not so little when you look at her HUGE KNOCKERS! Jesus christ, they look like two water balloons! Or a dead-heat in a Zepplin race! Since it's her HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION her whole FUCKED UP FAMILY are there, step MOM, STEP-DAD and NYMPHO step AUNTIE! What do they have in store for her? You'd think maybe a nice seater, or even a bike to ride around campus on.. but no. They're more concerned that she may not have lost her virginity yet.. or even worse, she's never even sucked a dick! To "help" with this "problem", they've invited the neighborhood douche (who's had everyone's step daughter, and a few step moms as well) over so that their little girl can practice JERKING OFF A PENIS before she goes off to college. The young neighborhood chap is rather disconcerted that they're expecting him to drop his pants in front of everyone and get his dick sucked.. but once he sees Shyla's MASSIVE MAMMORIES she soon forgets his doubts and SPLOOGES THEM WITH JIZZ! 066-3